Museu Diocesà Catedral de Santa Maria de les Neus d'Eivissa



The Diocesan Museum of Santa Maria is an organization founded to preserve, study and exhibit the history and life of the Church of Ibiza and Formentera islands since 1964. The Museum was refurbished in 2006, and you can admire some of the finest works of art as paintings, sculptures, ornaments and other objects for the sacristy and the chapter, as well as a collection of traditional jewelry, rosaries, crosses carved and goldsmith from Ibiza, that were produced here for the celebration of the Christian community Liturgy that existed in Ibiza since the XIII century.

To access to the Museum you need to get inside the Cathedral of Santa Maria, and occupies the sacristy and chapter house of the temple. Inside you can admire a tombstone of 1538 Francolí carved white Marble, which marks the entrance to the burial crypt of the family contributed greatly to the construction of the chapel dedicated to the Holy Souls in the cathedral, and shield with a francolin, partridge-like bird. It has also a beautiful Baptismal font made ​​in Ibiza in s. XIII and a collection of oils on canvas of XIV and XV of painters such as Mateu Lopez Senior and Francesc Comes from Mallorca, or Valentí Montoliu de Morella. Also noteworthy the Museum exhibits books belonging to the Diocesan Archive of 1604 as a Bible or Bishops ceremonial Caeremoniale Episcoporum from Rome 1600.

Type: Building

Year built:1964

Address: Plaça de la Catedral, 1. Eivissa 07820

Phone:+34 971 31 27 73

email:[email protected]

Opening times:From 10:00 to 13:30 h. Summer and Spring from 9:30 to 13:30 and from 17:00 to 20:00. Price: 1 €

Area of interest: Architecture, History, Tradition

Services: Museum, Religious temple

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Restaurants Nearby Museu Diocesà Catedral de Santa Maria de les Neus d'Eivissa:

Es Mirador, El Portalon, Anfora, La Bodega Ibiza, Tira Palla, Monalisa, La Torreta, La Oliva, Croissant Show Dalt Vila, Super Tuscan Cafe,

Best attractions near Museu Diocesà Catedral de Santa Maria de les Neus d'Eivissa:

Dalt Vila, recinte amurallat, barri de sa penya, Esglèsia de Santo Domingo, Museu d'Art Contemporani,